

市场营销处 & 战略沟通

圣安东尼奥学院 held a dedication for the new home of the First Responders Academy near Atascosa, 德州. 2000万美元, state-of-the-art administration and training facility is the centerpiece for the protective services academic department at SAC.

第一反应者Web 1.jpg新32,000-square-foot building is the latest milestone in the evolution of a program that got its start in 1969 by renting classrooms and borrowing equipment from local police and fire departments.

第一反应学院将服务于SAC的三个项目. The Law Enforcement Academy and the Regional Fire Academy will share space and resources in the new building. The Emergency Management/Homeland Security program will offer several courses there but continue to be based at SAC's main campus.

The new facility is part of an academy complex that has sprung up on 53 acres of land that 阿拉莫大学 bought in 2008. 当时, the first structure on the property was a concrete block "burn building" used for fire training, 其次是一系列的模块, 移动建筑仍然用作教室和办公室.

随着时间的推移, SAC增加了其他结构, including a fire station for trucks and equipment and a fabric-covered Sprung building – dubbed "the Onion” – for use as a gym.

老建筑隐藏在学院物业后面的一个角落里, 就在Von Ormy南边. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, the new facility at the front of the property is highly visible and adjacent to the southbound access road along Interstate 35. Its glass and steel entryway and red brick facade mimic the exterior of most of the buildings on SAC's main campus.

Bexar县 voters approved the project in 2017 as a part of a $450 million capital improvement bond for 阿拉莫大学.         

在我看来, 这座新建筑将我们的专业水平提升到了一个新的水平,Frank Poyner说, SAC地区消防学院院长. “我为学院准备了三间崭新的教室,为所有员工准备了更好的空间, 管理员, 和工作人员."

响应者学院web 3.jpgThe brightest gem in the new building's lengthy list of amenities is its high-tech "tactical room.专为警察和消防学员设计, 两层楼的, 8,250-square-foot space features a dozen modular rooms that can be furnished to simulate everything from hotel rooms to classrooms. 在头顶上,一个钢制的t型台为教官和其他观察者提供了观景台. The metal stairs leading to the catwalk can also be used by trainees for practice in ascending or descending stairwells alone or in teams during a range of adverse conditions.

A powerful loudspeaker system provides a way for 教练 to give directions to participants or crank up noise volume levels to heighten the tension in mock search-and-rescue situations. 灯光可以调到最大亮度, 直到一片漆黑, 或者像闪光灯一样被触发. 

Cameras strategically mounted in every modular room can record the exercises and send video feeds to the central command post's control room.

“训练结束后, we can bring the entire team out and be able to do a playback on the video to actually show them what they did right, 他们做错了什么, 以及他们可以改进的地方,罗兰多·巴里恩特斯说, SAC执法学院的院长.

直到现在, the academy used some of its modular classrooms for situation training but lacked the space and resources to make them as realistic and effective as possible.

“我们的战术室改变了训练,”巴里恩特斯说. “它增强了我们为学生提供更多真实体验的能力.

"The nearest academy that actually has a tactical room similar to ours is at Austin 社区 大学. 我们不仅要培训我们的军官候选人, 同时也能为当地执法机构提供教育发展服务."

第一反应学院第二网络.jpg 新工厂的其他一切都同样令人印象深刻.

正门通往一个两层楼高的中庭. 房间里有桌子, 椅子, and a long countertop in front of a bank of microwaves and refrigerators for comfortable dinner breaks and other get-togethers.

接待员的办公桌在旁边, 就在通往学院院长办公室的门外, 教练, 还有其他有桌子的房间, 椅子, 以及辅助人员的计算机工作站.

贯穿整个建筑的宽阔走廊通向一系列教室, 每家都配有电视, 投影屏幕, 还有摄像机来记录会议和培训研讨会. 最大的教室可容纳80人, 容量是任何模块化建筑的两倍多.

在新大楼的中心, 一间装有钢门的军械库, 铁丝网护栏, and reinforced walls provides safe storage and distribution of the handguns and shotguns used in the law enforcement training program. 这是学院旧军械库的又一大步. 由一个用过的集装箱用钢板加固而成, 它是安全的,但不受气候控制.

FRA教室网站.jpg除了新建筑带来的所有重大改进之外, 这可能只是最受员工和学生们欣赏的小事情. 比如新的浴室和更大的更衣室.

Academy staff and faculty have their own bathrooms in the new facility and the locker rooms for trainees have more showers so they can clean up more quickly after physical training and other drills.

除了新大楼, 学院的资本改善项目包括建造一个室外, 混凝土驱动垫." The academy used to rent parking lots so its police cadets could learn defensive driving while speeding, 编织, 在有交通锥的道路上刹车. Poyner, 消防学院院长, 新款240说,000-square-foot pad has enough space for his program to launch a driver-operator certification program and open it up to local fire departments.

"What we're trying to build here and move towards is we truly want to be the tip of the spear for training for firefighters and law enforcement,Poyner说. “我们想要那种名声,‘哦,你想成为一名消防员? 你想成为一名执法人员? 你需要去SAC,因为他们有很棒的设施和项目.'"


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